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Hotel reservation form

To make a reservation request, please complete and submit this reservation request form. During the working hours it usually takes between 30 minutes and 4 hours to confirm the reservation.

Please fill out all the required fields marked with an asterisk (*).

Choose the hotel:*

Contact details


First name:*

Last name:*

Phone (country and city codes + number):*

Call back to me



Booking details

Check-in date:*

Check-out date:*

Attention please!

We are kindly asking you to indicate the estimated check-in and check-out time at the hotel as it is very important for the rate calculation.

Total number of guests:*

Number of rooms:*

Room type:*

Additional information (another type of room, names of guests etc):

Payment method:*

Which city will you be arriving from:*

Airline/ flight # or train #:*

Arrival time:*

Arrival via the CIP hall:*

(170 US$ per person, free for HY Business Class)

Airport or railway station pick-up:*

Visa support:

LLC "Travel Ornament" © 2011-2022. Todos los derechos reservados
Licencia No. T-0911-14
Certificado No. 000224